The Star irks Kenyans over Miguna's return twitter poll

The Star digital platform has come under attack by KoT after posting a twitter poll asking Kenyans whether they think Miguna Miguna should be allowed back in Kenya.

In his characteristic taking no prisoners rebuttal, the Kenyan -born Canadian citizen responded, "The cartel surrogates and githeri media are at it again. They believe that my human,constitutional and legal rights are favours. They believe that I - like the majority of Kenyans are second class citizens."

Other twitter users clapped back at The Star.
@nairobichik,"Allowed by whom? Whoever came up with and sanctioned this poll is a real cretin."
@mwasmwas,"A beffiting question would have been , why is the government not obeying the numerous court orders in MM favor?"
@muyoma_maurice posted,"He should have come back after handshake."

Miguna Miguna was deported on March 2018 after the government claimed he was a Canadian national and that he never reapplied for his Kenyan citizenship after the 2010 constitution was passed.

The High Court awarded him Ksh 7 million for the violation of his rights during his deportation. While awarding him, Judge Chacha Mwita said that the Government carried out his deportation in unlawful manner and in complete violation of the constitution.

Few days ago, Miguna announced on his twitter platform that he would be arriving in the country on 11th January,2020, news that excited his followers who cannot wait for his return to lead them in a revolution 'against despots,thieves, murderers and conmen'
