Nike stirs up Kenyans over new kits for team Kenya

New kits for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics are out. The kits were unveiled by Nike,
an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services.

Nike twitted a picture with images of sportsmen and women from the 32 countries that will participate in the Olympics.

"32 reasons to believe anything is possible.The Future of Sport is here."

However Kenyans have mixed reactions over the design meant for team Kenya at the Olympics.

@ngash254 "Come on @Nike you can do better."

@MissMwanyigha "Are you serious?"

@SirAlexas "It's really ugly."

@Joel_Mwauras "This is an insult to Kenyas creative minds.. would offer better for free."

@ashioyas "Nike is wilding with Team Kenya kit for Road to Tokyo 2020. I hope Olympics Kenya finally get it right regards kit distribution/allocation to ALL the athletes participating at the games this time round."

At the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, elite athletes will sleep on beds made of cardboard. Olympic medals are being constructed out of recycled electronics, such as cell phones. And Nike will be dressing its athletes in uniforms and sneakers made out of recycled polyester and ground-up shoe parts.

It's part of a broader sustainability push by the shoe retailer as it seeks to reach younger and more eco-conscious consumers.

Check out other competitor kits below

Kenya women’s volleyball team, Malkia Strikers has been placed in Pool A of the Tokyo Olympics

Kenya will face Olympic and World champions Serbia, hosts Japan, Brazil, Korea and Dominican Republic.

The top 4 teams in each pool will qualify for the 1/4 finals.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics will begin on July 24, 2020 and run until August 9, 2020.


                   Pics courtesy
