Filthy and muddy classrooms force learners to postpone their school lessons

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Images have surfaced online depicting the sad state of a Primary School in Meru County.

The online images shows the pathetic conditions that pupils in one of the classrooms at Ntulili Primary School situated in Tigania East Constituency are forced to learn under. In one of the pictures pupils can be seen struggling to sit on their desks because of the mud on the floor getting into their shoes. Their desks are submerged in mud. Others clutch their school bags tightly on their thighs in a desperate attempt to avoid them getting spoilt. Their faces appalled by the situation. The pictures depict the sad reality of poor infrastructure experienced in many schools across the country.

This is despite the fact that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission used the school as a registration center in November 2012.

According to the Kenya Primary Schools website, Ntulili Primary School is a public primary school in Buuri. This school is run by a religious organization. It is a day school. This educational institution is an ordinary and mixed type of institution. The pupil to classroom ratio in this school is 21.7:1 and the pupil to toilet ratio is 27.1:1. There are total 10 classrooms, 4 boys' toilets, 4 girls' toilets and 2 teachers' toilets. The number of students enrolled in this school are 217. GOK TSC (Teachers Service Commission) males are 7.
